Ving Tsun Ip Ching Athletic Association :: Article Fri, 21 Apr 2006 08:16:42 +1700 ARTICLE @ XOOPS powered by FeedCreator Ving Tsun Ip Ching Athletic Association :: Article 80 15 Article XML en Admin at ipching dot org Admin at ipching dot org Article Ip Man's Travel Document

This artifact is the original document that Grandmaster Ip Man used to travel freely between Hong Kong and mainland China.

Back in 1963 Grandmaster borrowed a suit of clothes, as he did not own a western suit, and had his photo taken for this document. This photo is the only photo Ip Man had taken in a suit and tie. You can see in this photo the date issued (March 15th 1963) and the expiry date (March 14th 1968), good for 5 years from the time of issue.

This image is copyright of the Ving Tsun Ip Ching Athletic Association, All rights reserved

Ron Heimberger Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +1700